Posts in health
How To Eat A Low-Carb Diet With Diabetes

The low carb, “diabetic,” or Atkins diet all fall under the same umbrella—limit carbs and supplement with high fat and protein food sources. The truth is, there is no true diabetic diet—I’m sure you’ve heard so many stories about different diets that have “cured” diabetes. While that isn’t exactly true, that doesn’t mean that different diets don’t work for different people because they certainly do—our technology just isn’t there yet to customize diet plans based on people’s genetics. In general we are trending away from using the term “diabetic diet” because we want people to have healthy balanced meals rather than extremely restrictive diets.

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[GRATITUDE IS HEALTHY] -- 3 min read

A lot of you reading this have heard the saying, “Gratitude is the best attitude.” This saying, while holds true, has more meaning than we realize. Most of us associate gratitude with saying “thank you” to someone who has helped us or given us a gift. From a scientific perspective, gratitude is not just an action. Gratitude is a positive emotion, which is important because it serves a purpose.

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