Type 1 Diabetes mellitus is identified as an autoimmune disease and the way it occurs is not yet understood but involves many hypotheses. A lot of studies have demonstrated that environmental factors play a major role in T1DM pathogenesis leading to a complete destruction of βcells of the pancreas in susceptible individuals. It is believed that there may be an overlapping between these various hypotheses and that’s why the incidence rate is increased year by year.
Read MoreLiving with type 1 diabetes takes a pretty hefty toolbox to tackle effectively. From insulin vials to CGM’s to BG meters, it takes a lot of different devices and medications to control your blood glucose levels. Has anyone ever told you that moving your body can be one of the most effective tools for caring for your type 1 diabetes?
Read MoreLiving with type 1 diabetes can be tough - to say the least. Not only do we have extreme regimens with insulin and low corrections but our diets tend to be fairly strict as well. So of course when a low-carb anything comes out, we have to and are drawn to try it. Makes sense, we are only humans after all. The thing is, we are so conditioned to think about what we can’t eat, it makes eating/drinking these products that much more appealing and while there are many products I can talk about, this month I wanted to focus primarily on “sugar free” beverages specifically.
Read MoreEnjoying the sun is one of the things many people look forward to in the summer and on holiday. But if you have diabetes, it can be harder to manage your blood glucose (sugar) levels in the hot weather. In hot weather, a person with diabetes can be at higher risk for both low and high blood glucose levels. Like our moods, insulin can be a little temperamental in the heat! Here are some tips, to ensure you can safely enjoy the warm weather.
Read More“What is your blood sugar?” “200.” “Do you have any active insulin?” “No.” “Then please give yourself a correction.”Would your caregiver be able to have this conversation with your Type 1 child? While technology advances have made it possible for you to track your child’s CGM even when you are not there, it is not a substitute for a well-trained caregiver. While it may seem a daunting task to find someone who you trust leaving your T1 child with, it is possible! Here are 5 steps to help you have a great experience with your caregiver.
Read MoreSupplements can help us achieve our fitness and weight goals or can even just replace what we are missing day to day. As diabetics, we are prone to lose a lot of water-soluble vitamins and trace minerals, especially if our blood sugar is high and we are constantly peeing. Aside from that, when having diabetes, a large toll is placed on our body and the normal functions of our body may be impaired. By adding certain supplements, specifically vitamins and trace minerals, we can help stabilize our blood sugars and stay more on track with our levels.
Read MoreHaving good bacteria in our gut microbiome helps appetite, digestion, bowel movements, can aid with weight loss efforts and help us better control our blood sugars. For example in our gut microbiome, bacteria break down different food products that we wouldn’t normally be able to digest. While the bacteria are afforded a nice warm SAFE place to live. Therefore we both benefit. This may gross you out, but in fact is essential to human life and without it we would not be able to function.
Read MoreKeto is short for Ketosis, a metabolic state where the body is burning fat as a method to run on alternate “fuel.” See normally the body runs, and prefers to run, on glucose but in times of famine or other shortage of food, the body has the ability to switch gears and metabolize fat to ensure survival. For diabetes, weight loss typically results in an increase in insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar control.
Read MoreThe Paleo Diet has been nicknamed the “Caveman Diet” because you are supposed to only eat foods that cavemen ate, but this really is a simplistic summarization of the diet. It includes meats, specifically animal proteins, healthy fats and oils, fruits, and veggies while you are to avoid processed grains, carbs, and sugar. And this isn’t just limiting carbs like the Atkins diet, this is avoiding carbs, grains, processed wheat and sugar at all costs.
Read MoreThe low carb, “diabetic,” or Atkins diet all fall under the same umbrella—limit carbs and supplement with high fat and protein food sources. The truth is, there is no true diabetic diet—I’m sure you’ve heard so many stories about different diets that have “cured” diabetes. While that isn’t exactly true, that doesn’t mean that different diets don’t work for different people because they certainly do—our technology just isn’t there yet to customize diet plans based on people’s genetics. In general we are trending away from using the term “diabetic diet” because we want people to have healthy balanced meals rather than extremely restrictive diets.
Read MoreWith diabetes we always get a crash course in carbs and carb counting, but what about the rest of our plate? Often times so little attention is paid to those groups and it truly is unfortunate. As diabetics not only do we need to control sugars, but we need to keep an eye out for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other conditions that we are more likely to develop. So to start, I’m going to throw a little plate down below just to have a visual to help guide and keep us on track.
Read MoreWe’ve heard those outrageous studies that say Americans eat over 7,000 calories on Christmas and gain anywhere between 1-5 pounds between Thanksgiving (end of November) through New Years Day. While I don’t doubt the validity of these numbers, that's a TON. And what’s worse is as diabetics, there’s no information on time in range and how they vary during these months. Although my expectation is that they differ largely from the remaining months of the year.
Read MoreTo start, put more veggies on that plate or in our snacks—most veggies are low carb anyways, plus as we all know, jammed pack full of vitamins and minerals. It’s like killing two birds with one stone, avoiding spikes in blood sugars while also replenishing our body and giving it what it needs. When it come to carbs, well we could spend hours on that subject alone, but remember to try to keep your grams of carbs consistent. For example, if you had 30g yesterday morning, try to match that on the following morning. (Please keep in mind everyone has their specific diet plans with their medical team, so please refer to that—that statement is not taken to mean that everyone should eat 30g of carbs).
Read MoreExercise and blood sugars. Its an interesting relationship between the two, but I want to demystify the cause and effect that can lead to us shying away from getting our exercise in. I want to show you that it can actually be relatively consistent and predictable with proper planning, documentation, and consistency. While this is something that I coach on in depth through my diabetic health coaching program, this will be more of an overview so that we can keep it short.
Read MoreWhy do so many New Year’s Resolutions fail? Why do so many of us find it so hard to follow through on our own goals? We make promises to ourselves and to our loved ones, yet more often than not we fail to stay true til the end. Blame it on your busy schedule, blame it on external factors, blame it on circumstances, but I would argue that nine times out of ten it’s because you didn’t have a strong enough WHY to start out with.
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