[7 Tips to Stay Fit Over the Holidays]

Hey everyone, my name is Matt Vande Vegte. I am a type 1 diabetic, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, and the owner of FTFWarrior, an online diabetic health coaching company. This month I want to talk to you about how NOT to have fitness fallout this holiday season. Or, at the very least, I’ll help you stay on track with whatever fitness goals you currently have with these 7 easy to follow, simple tips on how to stay fit during the holidays.

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Matthew Vande VegteComment
[Being Unstoppable with Type 1 Diabetes]

Type 1 diabetes can seem to strip you of a lot, you feel restricted at times and incapable at others, but this disease gives you a superpower that makes you unstoppable; you learn how to listen to your body. One might really enjoy the isolation of the gym and not the intensity of kickboxing, but what works for you can only be found through listening to your body’s response to the workouts. By listening to what my body wanted, I found that I am capable to do anything.

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[Dangers of Sedentary Behaviors]- 5 min read

Do you sit for hours upon hours a day? If you answered yes, you are not alone. In fact, you are part of a majority.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2018), only about 21% of adults in the US are meeting physical activity guidelines. Now, I knew that having sedentary behavior was not good for you but, it turns out, it is more dangerous than I thought.

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[Risk Factors for Heart Disease, Part 1]

Let’s be real folks, cardiovascular disease (also known as heart disease, coronary artery disease or CAD) is the number one killer of human beings in the entire world. What's even more troubling though, heart attacks due to CAD are becoming more and more prevalent each year and there's no evidence to show that it is slowing down anytime soon.

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David Zetts
[Refusing to Die] -- 6 Minute Read

To all my Diabetics out there, I know that I don’t need to tell you that Diabetes can cause complications. These complications include health complications, relational complications, and life complications. What I probably also don’t need to tell you is that diabetes can take more than a leg or an arm, it can take your life. The fact that you and I are here today is likely due to the fact that you stood up to diabetes and refused to die. I know this sounds a bit bleak, but the honest truth is, diabetes can really mess you up.

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[Is Going Vegan Diabetic Friendly?] -- 7 Minute Read

Have you ever changed something so big that it forced you to reconsider how you go about your daily life? Up until this point, diabetes and marriage were the two biggest changes in my life (marriage being a great change of course).  However, going vegan, and then super strict vegan (extremely low fat, whole food, plant based ONLY) is up there with the biggest life changes I’ve experienced. Let me elaborate.

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[How to Stay Healthy This Thanksgiving]-- 4 min read

The holidays are filled with mixed emotions. For many it is a happy time to spend with family and friends but for some it can be an awkward even emotional time. As a diabetic, it can be tough. THERE ARE SO MANY CARBS that need to be accounted for that it can sometimes be overwhelming. So, today, I decided to share with you the some of the methods I use to not only enjoy the holidays but stay healthy as well.

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Matthew Vande VegteComment

As a type 1 diabetic myself, I know the struggle of will power too well. Before I was diagnosed with diabetes, my diet consisted of what most teenage boys eat: pizza, ice cream, soda, hot dogs, top ramen, etc. I ate like crap, but I didn’t see any consequences, so I didn’t think twice. That all changed when I got diabetes. EVERY food choice I made affected me one way or another. Eating foods like pizza and ice cream aren’t great for blood glucose levels. Thus, the struggle between my cravings and my will power to resist began. Spoiler alert: will power failed me.

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[It's Diabetes Awareness Month] -- 5 min read

It’s that time of the year again, no I’m not talking about the weird time between Halloween and Thanksgiving (but almost everyone is thinking about Christmas lol.) IT’S DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH. It’s not necessarily the “most wonderful time of the year,” but it is really cool that diabetes has an awareness month.I recently watched a video from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases about “National Diabetes Awareness Month” and the key point of the video was “you are the center of your diabetes care team.”  Let’s take a minute to fully digest what that means.

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